NCNC BOD would like to thank all the volunteers for Deusi Bhailo as well as International Festival Events. This year these event dates had coincided with each other however due to your help we were able to successfully manage/organize both programs. Both of these events are top fund generating events for NCNC. The details of the funds are given below:
- Deusi Bhailo:
Total Funds Collected: $6265.00
Top 3 Donors
Sujan Neupane – $555.55
Riva Vikas Pathak – $301.00
Dr. Batu Sharma – $265.25
Group Donations
NCNC BoDs – $1553.25
Mha Puja Event – $1382.00
Shiloh Grove Community Donors – $370
- International Festival:
Total Sales: $5728.00